16 January 2008

Popcorn personalities

PickerThere are two kinds of people in this world:

Shovelers and pickers.

Shovelers grab popcorn by the handful. No delicacy, no pretense. Use all five fingers and the palm.

Pickers take a small number of popped kernels in their fingertips at a time. No contact of the popcorn to the palm of the hand.

Similar patterns of behaviour can also be observed with certain candies. I wonder what personality traits correlate with each behaviour?

Are you a shoveler or a picker?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Why must there only be two choices?

    Is there not a third option?

    That one can be both -- with each behavior being exhibited, depending on personal mood or the actions of peers?

    You limit yourself too narrowly to think reality is that black and white.


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