The day concluded with the business meeting, which included two fine proposals for the Congress after the next one (tenth International Congress of Neuroethology will be at the University of Maryland in 2012).
Here's a look at the bids: It's Sapporo, Japan versus Quito, Ecuador.
A straw poll of attendees (conducted below by Paul Katz (L) and aMartin Heisenberg (R) suggests this choice is going to be a very hard one for the society; they are both excellent bids.
Mike Bok of the Arthropoda blog is in Salamanca, too. (Mike! Come say hi!)
Björn Brembs is managing to liveblog from the even (barely), with these posts on neuroeonomics and habituation. That Björn is having wifi problems is perhaps his just punishment for bring a poster to neuroethology with no neurons anywhere in sight.
Well, I'll see you tomorrow at poster 293. You should have stopped by to see the mantis shrimp yesterday!
lol :-) Like I'm the only one who can't connect via the abysmal WiFi network :-)
It's been nice meeting you here, thanks for introducing yourself!
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