The Texas State Board of Education is reviewing and approving standards for lots of subjects this year, and
it's not pretty. The
Houston Chronicle reports:
"I find it's really wild that we can work for three years on a project and then the board is so qualified they can pull it out of their hat overnight," said board member Pat Hardy, a Fort Worth Republican who, like other board members, received the substituted document when it was slipped under her hotel door less than an hour before their meeting was set to convene Friday morning.
I personally can't comment on the English standards that have been passed, but guess what's next?
Science curriculum, which includes the divisive teaching of evolution, is next up for review by the board.
"It does not bode well for any of us with the science (curriculum) review coming up," Canaday said. "Everyone I spoke to about this week's meetings asked me why on earth would English be considered a controversial subject. If it's this difficult to change the English curriculum, it's just going to be a war when it comes time for them to try to agree on science standards."
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