"We report a case of interspecific sexual harassment bridging the rank of vertebrate class."
A seal. A penguin.
You can't make this stuff up.
You could, however, make endless jokes about it. But I won't, since this could devolve oh so quickly.
Unfortunately, our library doesn't have a subscription, so I can't comment in more detail. More commentary, however, can be found in the Zooillogix blog, which had this one first.
That is really really REALLY messed up.
Are there any other cases of this reported in vertebrates/inverts ?
Well, since you asked...
Moeliker CW. 2001. The first case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard Anas platyrhynchos (Aves: Anatidae). Deinsea 8: 243-247.
Available online here.
This was the winner of an Ig Nobel prize in 2003.
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