15 November 2022

Does anyone read German?

A paper I helped with on the Czech aquarium trade (Novák et al. 2022) has gotten a little write-up in the German aquarium magazine, Aquaristik.

Magazine article in German

At least. I think it’s this article? I don’t read German, and my cut and paste from the PDF into Google Translate wasn’t copying text correctly.

Update: Aha! A screenshot of the article and a little optical character recognition solved my problem. Loosely translated with Google, the article reads:

Researchers investigate the "Czech Aquatics Phenomenon"

An international research group led by the Czech scientist Jindřich Novák introduces the term “Czech aquarium phenomenon” to describe the considerable economic and scientific importance of the Czech Republic in ornamental fish aquaculture. A large part of ornamental fish farming is carried out by private individuals and companies in tropical countries because many species come from the tropics, however, the Czech Republic is an exception and suppliers there have dominated the global market for decades influenced. The study goes into the history of aquaristics in the Czech Republic and discusses the associated risks. It lists the most traded and exported species, including species that rarely reproduce in captivity. Given the tremendous diversity and scale of species traded, “we propose to take this phenomenon into account when designing aquaculture policies, including management of invasive alien species and ex situ conservation programs for threatened species.”

This is a cool thing about research. You never know who takes notice and where it will pop next.


Novák J, Magalhães ALB, Faulkes Z, Yonvitner, Maceda-Veiga A, Dahanukar N, Kawai T, Kalous L, Patoka J. 2022. Ornamental aquaculture significantly affected by the “Czech aquarium phenomenon”. Aquaculture 555: 738259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738259

External links

Aquaristik Volume 2022, Issue 4

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