30 January 2024

Reformscape is here!

Since I joined DORA, the biggest project I have been working on pretty much nonstop is now ready. It’s called Reformscape.

Literally, Reformscape is a searchable database of university policies around research assessment.

Figuratively, it’s a tool to help you get unstuck. 

Having been down the road of trying to make policy changes at the department level myself (and not getting very far), I know that it can be hard to convince people that this is worth doing and that easy to get discouraged. By collecting examples of these institutional reforms, I hope that someone who was in my position can look at examples in Reformscape and believe, “Change is possible.”

Here’s the press release for Reformscape.

Here’s a tweetorial showing some of the features in Reformscape.

And here’s a YouTube version of the Reformscape promo video above.

I wasn’t involved in the concept or start of this project, but I was very pleased to be able to help it across the finish line. 🏁 

I’ll tell you just one little thing that I am stupidly proud of. When you listen to the Reformscape video, you might notice that the voice isn’t speaking in a typical American accent, or a typical British accent. Because DORA is a global organization, I thought it was very important that the voice on the video reflect that. Our voiceover actor brought a desi accent, and I love that to pieces.

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