Today, I want to look at the most literal meaning of the term imaginable. But, since this is a biology blog, you could probably guess that I was going to end up talking about the eyes of snakes.

Brischoux and colleagues set out right away to correct one idea that many people have about vertical eyes that is wrong: it’s not for night vision. They set out to test other hypotheses about the function of pupil shape using snakes as their subjects. One reason for using snakes is that the pupils vary considerably, so compare the animal above to the one below (click to enlarge).

The pupil shape appears to be related to day and night, but in a different way: You can close a slit pupil much tighter than a circular pupil. The yellow snake above has its pupils shut down quite far. This might be advantageous to an animal that normally moves around at night to prevent it from being temporarily blinded by bright light in the day.
The authors also suggest that a vertical pupil may be less recognizable then a round one, making it advantageous for ambush predators who use camouflage. The authors don’t mention that many prey species also use camouflage, and following that logic, might also be expected to have slit pupils.
Brischoux and colleagues coded out about 100 snake species, categorising their pupil shape, type of foraging, and time when the animals were most activity. They found that most snakes fell into a fairly small number of positions in the possible range of values: sit and wait ambush predators that hunted at night tended to have vertical pupils; snakes that actively foraged during the say tended to have circular pupils.
What I don’t get about their figure above, though, is why the data points are scattered. Look at the trio of dots on the lower right corner. Why are they separated? If these are categorical values, all three should be right on top of each other. That implies that they’ve measured something quantitatively, not by category... and if so, where are the value labels for the axes?
Having done all that, the authors admit they still can’t definitively tie pupil shape to any particular adaptive advantage. They suggest some good experiments, such as manipulating pupil shape by retouching pictures to see if this affects how readily detectable an potential predator is. They also point out that many other species vary in their pupil shape, and that similar analyses could be done for those groups, too.
Brischoux F, Pizzatto L, & Shine R (2010). Insights into the adaptive significance of vertical pupil shape in snakes Journal of Evolutionary Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2010.02046.x
Yellow snake photo by MrClean1982 on Flickr. Garter snake photo by C. A. Mullhaupt on Flickr. Both used under a Creative Commons license.
* The film has a special place in my heart, because it was filmed in Montréal when I was living there, and I was able to look in and see the set they had built in the old Montréal Forum when I walked to and from McGill University.
Perhaps the authors added random scatter to the graph to increase visualization? Although even so, if they had done that, they should have mentioned it.
In France and Britain all the venomous snakes have vertically slit pupils and all the inoffensive ones have round pupils. According to this research that could make sense, with the ambush hunters being more likely to use venom. I wonder how much the correlation in pupil shape is true around the world for venomous versus inoffensive snakes.
Sadly, you are going to be flooded once any significant section of nerds and geeks on the internet (myself included) discover you have called Snake Eyes a GI Joe villain. He is one of the most beloved of the good guys. Never a good idea to start out a science post with such a glaring error. It immediately calls into question the rest of your facts and conclusions, fair or not.
Yet another reason I love blogging: No error is forever.
I have corrected the text, but have left the admission of my error in strikeout. The shame.
"In France and Britain all the venomous snakes have vertically slit pupils" That's because they're all of the same species; European Viper
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