Pro: Compact and portable.
Con: Never one to be found in a swanky hotel lobby.
Pro: Played by Sherlock Holmes.
Con: Not as sexy as a cello.
Pro: Easier to make a sound imitating the screeching of cats.
Con: No cartoon character has ever had a violin dropped on their head.
Pro: "Ticking the ivories" sounds dirty and can be used in pick-up lines.
Con: Player pianos. (Do you really want to learn something that a perforated roll of paper can play?)
Pro: All the notes are laid out in a nice, orderly sequence.
Con: The instrument of choice when the villain ties the heroine to the train tracks before foreclosing on her mortgage.
Pro: No spit valve.
Con: Always being left out of the marching band.
Hm. The listing wasn't as definitive as I hoped it might be.
Photo by DWinton on Flickr; used under a Creative Commons license.
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